The US AON is a collaborative body, actively engaged in a number of partnerships. A few successful examples are described below. The US AON is working to better serve and partner with Arctic Indigenous communities across a range of activities. For more information, or if you are interested in partnering with the US AON, please contact the US AON Program Analyst, Hazel Shapiro.
Kawerak, Inc. Workshop
In April 2021, the US AON cohosted a workshop with Kawerak, Inc. Aimed at western scientists and relevant program managers, it provided an overview of the cultural and historical context of Alaskan communities in which researchers hope to establish partnerships and to present an introduction into Indigenous knowledge systems and co-production of knowledge practices, which have been identified by communities as a preferred methodology for collaboration with western science.
Arctic Data Center portal for data discovery
Following from the Arctic Report Card-US AON task, the US AON partnered with the Arctic Data Center to create an Arctic Report Card data portal. This portal is meant to increase access and transparency of datasets used in the Arctic Report Card (ARC)—a widely distributed, annual report on the state of the Arctic climate and environment. It will help to move ARC datasets towards alignment with the FAIR principles of data management (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reuseable).
Co-ordinated Observing Research Networking Activity
An NSF-supported Research Networking Activity (RNA) on coordinated observations of rapid Arctic change was launched in July 2020. Part of the genesis of the RNA was a series of IARPC Arctic Observing Team (AOSST) meetings. The AOSST is an active, collaborative component of the US AON. The project draws on different assessment, modeling, and observing system design approaches to lay the foundation for a food-security oriented information product integrating different types of coordinated observations. Alaska Indigenous scholars are active participants in the work, with a focus on capacity-building within Indigenous Peoples organizations such that they can better steer and use Arctic observing data and information products.