Ali Abdolali, Ph.D.
Scientist, Marine Modeling and Analysis Branch
NWS/NCEP/Environmental Modeling Center
5830 University Research Court
College Park, Maryland 20740, USA
Tel: (302) 299 2378, office: (301) 684 3733
Ali Abdolali
Ali completed his Ph.D. and then was a Postdoctoral Research Associate with the Center for Applied Coastal Research (CACR) at the University of Delaware, where he worked on wetland circulation (numerical modeling and field measurements) and tsunamigenic induced acoustic-gravity waves in the open ocean and arctic zones. Ali serves as a Scientist in Coastal/Ocean Engineering at NOAA – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and UCAR – The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). His field of research includes but not limited to Coastal Hazards (Tsunamis, Hurricanes & Storm Surges), Tsunami Early Warning Systems (TEWS), Nearshore hydrodynamics (Coastal Morphodynamics & Wetland hydrodynamics), Climate Change and Sea Level Rise, Compressible Fluids (Hydro-acoustic Waves), Wave-Structure Interaction and Renewable Oceanic Wave Energy (Wave Energy Converter Devices, WECs). Currently, is code manager for WAVEWATCH III where he prepares the plans and strategies of future code developments. He is involved with the wave-surge coupling developments for the Consumer Option for an Alternative System to Allocate Losses (COASTAL) Act from which NOAA is assigned to produce detailed “post-storm assessments” in the aftermath of a damaging tropical cyclone that strikes the U.S. or its territories. To achieve an accurate assessment, he is involved in the development of a framework for wave-surge coupling on high resolution unstructured grids. He is also widely active in accuracy and uncertainty evaluation of atmospheric, wave and surge models in offshore waters using satellite observations and on inundation issues nearshore waters using point source observations.

Saeed Moghimi, Ph.D.
Visiting Scientist , University Corporation for Atmospheric Research University (UCAR)
Coast Survey Development Lab, Office of Coast Survey, National Ocean Service
1315 East West Hwy
Silver Spring, Maryland
Saeed Moghimi
Saeed completed his B.S. in Civil Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology (Iran), and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering-Hydraulic Engineering at Tarbiat Modarres University (Iran). He spent four years on an assistant professor position in the Department of Civil Engineering of Arak University and in 2009, was awarded an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship in Physical Oceanography at the Institute for Baltic Sea Research (Germany). In 2012, he joined the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon and now is Assistant Research Professor at Portland State University in Oregon. He is currently a UCAR visiting scientist and the lead coastal ocean model developer of the NOAA’s Environmental Modeling System (NEMS) coupled application for hindcasting landfalling hurricanes. After successful implementation of the ADCIRC NUOPC cap for coupling to WaveWatchIII (COASTAL Act project, NOAA), he was recently appointed as the scientific lead for coupling the National Water Model to NOS’s Operation Coastal Ocean and Storm Surge models through the NOAA Water Initiative. He has extensive experience with scientific research on model coupling, water column turbulence and mixing, wave modeling, coastal ocean circulation modeling, wave-current interaction and the use of data assimilation methods for predicting coastal ocean geophysical variables.

Sergey Vinogradov, Ph.D.
Lead, Storm Surge Modeling, Coastal & Marine Modeling Branch
Coast Survey Development Laboratory, Office of Coast Survey, National Ocean Service
1315 East-West Hwy, Silver Spring, MD
Tel: (240) 847-8254
Sergey Vinogradov
Sergey received M.S. in Applied Math from the Lobachevski State University in Nizhniy Novgorod (Russia), and Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography from the University of Southern Mississippi (NASA Stennis Space Center). In his early career, Sergey worked as software developer for Aerospatiale Matra (Paris, France). During his Master’s Degree work, he implemented Volga River spring flood forecasting system for Russia’s Emercom using DHI MIKE-11 model. For his Doctorate dissertation, Vinogradov designed a new ray-tracing model for inversion of basin-scale acoustic tomography data to be assimilated into the Gulf of Mexico’s ocean circulation forecast model. Upon graduation, he served as Staff Scientist (Atmospheric & Environmental Research Inc, Boston), and a working member of ECCO (Estimating Climate & Circulation of the Ocean) consortium led by MIT. Before coming to NOAA, Dr Vinogradov started working on storm surge modeling at Stevens Institute of Technology, with a main focus on flood risk assessment and coastal resilience studies for the New York/New Jersey areas impacted by the 2012’s Superstorm Sandy. Sergey currently coordinates development of storm surge operational forecasting systems at the NOAA National Ocean Service.