Ensure that existing data is findable and useable
We are working to ensure that the Data Portal contains all of the data that is currently available on the Bering Sea Region. As we continue the project, we will identify any missing datasets and work to incorporate these into the Data Portal.
Work with communities, tribes, agencies and stakeholders to identify what information and data products are needed to help with decision-making
- January 31: Alaska Marine Science Symposium: Bering Sea rapid change response workshop
- February 10 and 12: Alaska Forum on the Environment: Bering Sea rapid change response sessions
- February 20: AGU Ocean Sciences: town hall on Bering Sea rapid change response
We are interested in hearing from the communities around the Bering Region. Once it is safe to do so, we plan to visit communities to share scientific results, hear community concerns and observations, and gather feedback on our data products.
Bering Region Ocean Update
The Bering Region Ocean Update is prepared in collaboration with our partners at the Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP) to prepare a report to share what scientists are learning about physical and biological changes in the Bering Sea region. Read the spring report here!
Facilitate greater researcher coordination
- Researcher Coordination Calls- Working with the Interagency Arctic Research Policy
Committee’s Environmental Intelligence Collaboration Team (IARPC EICT), we are facilitating calls between researchers and agencies to coordinate research activities in the Arctic and Bering Sea region.
- April 22, 2020: Researchers discussed what research cruises and activities were planned for 2020, how those plans were changing due to the coronavirus pandemic, and opportunities for collaboration between researchers. See meeting archive.
- September/October 2020: Researchers and community members will report on early observations & preliminary results from the summer 2020 season