Film topics ranged from focusing on species such as loons or sea otters, to conducting research in Alaska waters, to the realities of running a fishing boat in Bristol Bay, to the impacts of climate change through the eyes of students in Barrow.
AOOS hosted its first ever Short Film Contest in celebration of its 10th Anniversary. Over 30 films were submitted, including 8 youth films. Entries were required to be 10 minutes or less, and could address any aspect of Alaska’s marine environment, issues, or inhabitants.
We are highlighting each film separately on the AOOS homepage starting in January 2015. Films have also been shown (or are planning to be shown) at the AOOS 10th Anniversary Celebration, Sitka WhaleFest, the Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Alaska Forum for the Environment, and other venues.
AOOS would like to thank all the film makers for sharing their talents, insights and imagery with audiences in Alaska and beyond. Keep an eye out this spring for information on the 2015 contest.
Film Contest Winners
Youth Division
Winner: Wilderness Explorers Day Cruise: Arina Filippenko & Calesia Monroe
Best treatment of a complicated subject: Kodiak Crab Divers and Hatchery Red King Crab: Marina Cummiskey
(Youth winners received go-pro cameras)
Judges Choice (Grand Prize, $1,000): Siblings at Sea, Charlie Ess
Honorable Mention ($300): Grateful for Salmon, Margaret Bursch
Best treatment of a complicated subject: Gyre: Art from a Plastic Ocean, JJ Kelley (link is to 20 min version; film was edited to 10 min for judging)
Best Editing: The Science Behind Managing Shark Populations in Alaskan Waters, DeAnna Morris
Best Videography: Spring Passage, Patrick Farrell
2014 Film Contest Entries
- Alaska Still Fighting – Bjorn Olson
- Alaska’s Yellow Billed Loons – Stacia Backensto
- Arctic Coast – Patrick Farrell
- Arctic Gyres – David Forcucci
- Chugach Children’s Forest Kayak Expedition 2014 – Molly Schouweiler
- Entanglement of Steller Sea Lions in Marine Debris: Identifying Causes and Finding Solutions – Sue Goodglick
- GulfWatch Alaska: Ecological Trends in Kachemak Bay – Lauren Bell
- NPRB Gulf of Alaska Project: Coastal Groundfish Nurseries – Liz McKenzie
- NPRB Gulf of Alaska Project: Making the Connection – Seabirds and Alaska’s groundfish – Liz McKenzie
- Public service Announcement of Marine Entanglement – Sue Goodglick
- Renda’s Journey to Nome – Peter Garay
- The AOOS Sponsored WX project: Little Island Installation – Anna Branch
- The Good, the Bad and the Megalopae – Jared Weems
- The Gulf of Alaska Integrated Ecosystem Research Program – Liz McKenzie
- The Hunter(s) – JoAnn Mellish
- The Salmon Connection – Lisa Busch
- Southeast Alaska Sea Otters – Deborah Mercy
- Under the Arctic Ice – Lauren Bell
Youth Films
- Catch Fish; Not Plastic – Chugach Children’s Forest
- Ocean Sciences Club Promotional Trailer – ASLC Ocean Sciences Club
- Our Alaska Trip – Curran Granger
- Tagiuk – Margi Dashevsky and team
- The A.B.SEA’s of Prince William Sound – Chugach Children’s Forest
- The Health of the Ocean Matters to Me – ASLC Ocean Sciences Club
- We Live by the Water – Jackqui Lambert and team