Author Archives: ddugan

‘State of the Science’ report for stakeholders

Read the latest on the species response, forecasting, and regional influences Continue reading

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Nov 18: OA and Crab panel at Pacific Marine Expo

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USGS update on Seabird die-offs and HABS

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Bering Strait students learn about OA

A team from UAF recently visited Gambell and Savoonga to do hands-on ocean acidification lessons in the schools and discuss ocean change with the community. Continue reading

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Researchers tackle data gaps in OA impacts

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Studies explore socio‐economic implications of Arctic OA

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Abstracts due Oct 22 for ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting

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Governor’s Climate Action Leadership Team identifies OA as threat

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Clams and climate change — new Alaska study examines the connections

UAF researchers are partnering with the Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery to learn more about bivalve response to OA. Continue reading

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Don Anderson’s testimony at Congressional HAB hearing

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