Author Archives: ddugan

Why rising acidification poses a special peril for warming Arctic waters

Yale Environment360 provides an articulate look into why the Arctic is particularly susceptible to ocean acidification. Continue reading

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Scientific American: Dinosaur-killing meteorite caused acidification that led to mass extinction

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Anchorage talk will dive into ocean acidification’s impact on Alaska marine life

Ocean acidification is on the agenda at the Board of Fish meeting on Oct 23 in Anchorage, as well as an evening presentation following the meeting. Continue reading

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OA Presentation in Anchorage – Oct 23

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Ferry system budget cuts impact OA monitoring

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UAF seeking M.S. student for ocean acidification assistantship

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KNOM radio: Latest Research From Chukchi Sea Finds More Warm Water, Harmful Algal Blooms

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PSP toxins spike in Southeast amidst new research

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Ocean acidification detection capacity expands in the Gulf of Alaska

Projects include an ‘ocean-change’ lab in Kasistna Bay and pH sensors near Juneau. Also, read the latest of what we’re learning in Kachemak Bay. Continue reading

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Read the short summary from the latest Global Ocean Acidification Network meeting

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