Category Archives: News

Endangered whales are dying off in Alaska, and scientists are racing to discover why

Alaskan researchers report that at least nine fin whales have been found dead in the water in recent weeks. It’s rare for more than one such death to be discovered every year or so, they say, and they’re exhaustively searching for a possible cause. It’s possible that warming ocean temperatures could be partially to blame. Continue reading

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Special Issue of Oceanography on Ocean Acidification

The Special Issue on Emerging Themes in Ocean Acidification Science (Volume 28,Number 2, June 2015) co-edited by AOOS Principle Investigator Dr. Jeremy Mathis  was just published. Dr. Mathis is also a contributing author with the article: Ocean Acidification in the Surface Waters of the Pacific-Arctic Boundary … Continue reading

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Anchorage Coastal Cleanup – Saturday

Past, present, and future Anchorage Coastal Cleanup Volunteers, please join us on June 6th for a morning of beach cleaning and marine debris removal.Wear clothes that can get a little dirty, boots, and work gloves. We will have extra work gloves along with trash bags and snacks for you. Get outside, clean the beach, have fun, and learn about marine debris. Continue reading

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Attention researchers in the Nome region

USARC (Fran Ulmer, Chair) invites you to share your Arctic research activities and/or suggestions on research when the Commission meets in Nome, August 25-26, 2015. Continue reading

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The Blob expands from Gulf of Alaska to Baja California

Scientists are watching for how a warmer North Pacific Ocean could affect weather and climate this year. There could also be significant impacts to marine life, including species that form the basis for Alaska’s commercial fisheries. Continue reading

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Bandit the Runaway Wave Buoy Back in Service

APRN aired this story about our Cook Inlet buoy last night. Continue reading

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Anchorage Museum Exhibit – On Ice

The Anchorage Museum’s exhibit On Ice is now on view until September 20th and features AOOS submitted elements including an animation of changing sea ice coverage generated from the AOOS website. Continue reading

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AOOS Spring eNews

See the latest news on the AOOS Film contest, new board & staff members, the Cook Inlet wave buoy, and more…. Continue reading

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SCIENTISTS TO DISCUSS “THE BLOB” Unusual ocean weather and climate patterns

Six Alaskans will be joining more than 70 scientists and resource managers this week to share observations and data about unusual ocean weather and climate patterns observed throughout 2014 and early 2015 across the North Pacific basin. Continue reading

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R/V Sikuliak in Seward and Ready for Adventure

The R/V Sikuliak is in Seward and is ready for adventure. Continue reading

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