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Now it its 9th year, the Communicating Ocean Sciences is the annual kick-off event of the Alaska Marine Science Symposium.
Workshop Theme: Upping Your Game
Where: Captain Cook Hotel, Anchorage
When: Monday, January 19, 2015 from 8 am – noon
Whether you’re just beginning to communicate your science beyond your fellow scientists or are ready to try new approaches and media, this workshop will have something for you. For the past eight years, the workshop event organizers have provided practical information, great speakers and information on current best practices in education, outreach and media. This year we will “up your game” in communication by showcasing successful projects and approaches to science outreach. The showcase presentations will be followed by break-out sessions that will delve into the practical “how tos” of these approaches to improve your efforts.
The Communicating Ocean Science Workshop is in its ninth year and is sponsored by the North Pacific Research Board (NPRB), Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence Alaska (COSEE Alaska), Alaska Sea Grant, Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS), Alaska SeaLife Center (ASLC), and the Alaska Chapter of the Northwest Aquatic and Marine Educators Association (NAME).
This workshop is open to the public without charge. Select “Opening Day Only” when you register and check the box indicating that you plan to attend the Communicating Ocean Sciences Workshop.