Author Archives: ddugan

AOOS and Partners Receive EVOS grants

AOOS and a spectrum of research partners have received two five-year monitoring projects from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council.

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Prince William Sound Field Experiment

In 2004 and 2009, AOOS and partners conducted an extensive field experiment in Prince William Sound to learn more about its oceanography and improve the accuracy of forecast models.

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Snotel Weather Stations in PWS

Prince William Sound is home to 8 Snotel met stations. See the locations of these stations and view real-time data.

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Call to the Public: Submit Info on Beluga Sightings

If you have spotted belugas in Cook Inlet or Turnagain Arm, please take a moment to fill out a brief online form to help biologist and coastal managers.

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U.S. Senate forms Ocean Caucus

The U.S. Senate has formed an “Oceans Caucus” to build support for ocean issues.  Senator Murkowski will serve as co-chair.

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Animations of Impacts of Hydrokinetic Devices

UAA Professor Tom Ravens addressed the Cook Inlet working group on the preliminary results of his modeling efforts to estimate the impact of hydrokinetic devices on velocity, flow, and sediment transport. Watch the animations.

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NOAA Administrator Visits AOOS

Dr. Jane Lubchenco visited Alaska in late August.  Her visit included a meeting at AOOS with Senator Begich to discuss fisheries issues.

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Call for Proposals: Hydrographical Model Validation for Prince William Sound

Submissions due Nov 10th to the Prince William Sound Science Center.  Learn More.

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Hydrokinetic Energy Meeting held in Anchorage

On August 24th, NOAA’s National Ocean Service and the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) held a stakeholder meeting in Anchorage to discuss research for tidal energy generation in Cook Inlet

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AOOS Summer Newsletter

Read about Cook Inlet’s new wave buoy, ocean acidification monitoring, and a special section on Cook Inlet!

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