The Cook Inlet Modeling Working Group was initiated by AOOS in 2010. It is comprised of modelers, scientists, and others interested in learning more about Cook Inlet from the technical oceanographic side.
Working Group Goals:
- Improve modeling coverage and resolution in Cook Inlet with respect to circulation, wind and waves
- Promote networking between modelers
- Share data, model inputs, and model outputs
Working Group Objectives
- Establish a Cook Inlet Data Exchange. Over the next year, members will work with AOOS to compile resources to create an online database that includes historical data, real-time data, visualized model output, and NOAA’s “best bathymetry” DEM. This will be housed on the AOOS website.
- Increase the Number of Observations. There are many gaps in observations necessary to strengthen models and improve forecasts. The circulation modeling subgroup put together a list of recommendations in 2010, and AOOS incorporated as many of these as possible in its 5-year funding proposal. AOOS and partners will continue to seek out funding opportunities and collaborations to increase ocean observations and data collection in the inlet.
AOOS leads a series of teleconferences every other month which focus on a predetermined topic related to Cook Inlet modeling. This provides modelers the chance to present their latest findings. If you would like to participate in upcoming telecons or be added to the list, please email Darcy Dugan.
Previous Telecons:
- October 2012 (Kachemak Bay oceanography and biological data collection) – ppt slides
- April 2012 telecon (freshwater input into Cook Inlet)
- Feb 2012 telecon (roundtable update on modeling projects and news)
- Dec 2011 telecon (Climate change and freshwater run-off; potential impacts in the Gulf of Alaska; presentation by Rick Edwards, USFS)
- Sept 2011 telecon (Impacts of Hydrokinetic devices on flow, turbulence, sediment transport; presentation by Tom Ravens at UAA)
- July 2011 telecon (NOAA’s DEM progress, presentation by Rich Patchen and Lyon Lanerolle)
- March 2011 telecon notes (assimilating best bathymetry)
- Jan 2011 (small group meeting)
- July 2010 telecon notes (modeling round up)
- June 2010 telecon notes (modeling round up)
- May 2010 telecon notes (modeling round up)