On July 15th, a wave and weather buoy was deployed in the Bering Strait approximately 35 miles west of King Island. The buoy streams real-time information on waves, wind, air surface temperature, and sea surface temperature on an hourly basis.
Real-time observations from the buoy can be accessed:
AOOS Sensor Map (custom view)
AOOS Interactive Arctic Portal (custom view)
Additional information (such as seafloor substrate, Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) or shipping routes) may be layered over the buoy data in this interactive portal. Learn more about the Arctic Portal.
Who will use this data?
The goal of the buoy is to assist village residents, National Weather Service forecasters, the U.S. Coast Guard, commercial and recreational ships, and anyone else transiting the region which is known for extreme weather and strong currents.
Similar to many projects in remote Alaska, the buoy was a collaboration between multiple partners. The buoy was originally purchased by the University of Alaska Fairbanks, who provided data in similar location in 2011. This year, funding from the Western Alaska LCC allowed the buoy to be repaired and set afloat once again. AOOS and the University of Victoria provided logistical support, and the Canadian Coast Guard donated time and deck space on the Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Special thanks to everyone who made this happen!

This screen shot shows significant and maximum wave height. Significant wave height is the average of the top third of recorded values over the past hour. Maximum wave height is the highest reported wave height from the last hour.