The Kenai Peninsula Watershed Symposium: Healthy Watersheds and their importance to the Kenai Peninsula and its Economy (Soldotna)

The Alaska Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation partners with Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, the Kenai Peninsula Borough, the Kenai Watershed Forum and the Kenai Peninsula Fish Habitat Partnership to bring experts from Oregon State University to explore the role of watersheds in local, regional and state economies.

The symposium has three major objectives:

1) Provide an in-depth presentation of the major watershed functions and processes at work on the Kenai

2) Peninsula and why these watersheds are important to our communities.

3) Show how to strategize, prioritize and implement watershed assessments within the Kenai Peninsula watersheds and how to develop a strategic, coordinated plan for accomplishing meaningful work within the Kenai Peninsula watersheds, including an organizational structure for working together to achieve initial goals.

Guest speakers include: an economist from ECONorthwest, the northwest’s largest financial consulting firm and MARK WIPFLI, Professor at the Institute of Arctic Biology, UAF. The symposium includes two lunches, a symposium information packet and a Thursday night banquet with guest speakers. Registration is $50; after 9/22 it will be $100.  The Forum will be held at Solid Rock Bible Camp.

Anyone interested in attending should contact the Kenai Watershed Forum at 907-260-5449. More information go to or call 714-2471.


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