Category Archives: Featured content

Real-time Sensor Map Updated

Explore the new map which includes an updated interface, new base layers, and allows integration with other types of data. Continue reading

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AOOS launches new Ocean Data Explorer

Check out AOOS’ new statewide portal, which provides access to every publicly available dataset held by AOOS. You can browse and visualize over 500 data sets and models, overlay interdisciplinary data, and access metadata. Continue reading

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AOOS is Celebrating its 10th Anniversary!

2013 is the 10th Anniversary of the Alaska Ocean Observing System. Read more about the start of AOOS and the events planned for this year. Continue reading

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Historical Sea Ice Atlas now Online

This new web-based tool, developed by a consortium of partners, allows users to view and download sea ice concentration data around Alaska from 1850 to the present. Continue reading

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Olgoonik Fairweather assists with Bering Strait buoy pick-up

A buoy providing real-time data on sea state in the Bering Strait region was retrieved on Nov 1st thanks to ship time donated by Olgoonik Fairweather. Continue reading

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Webcam Central: Watch winter take hold through AOOS Real-Time Sensor Map

Tap into numerous webcams and weather stations to track the transition of seasons across Alaska. Continue reading

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Wave buoy returns to lower Cook Inlet

Real time data on wave conditions is once again available to Homer-area boaters thanks to a recent deployment effort by NOAA, KBRR, ADFG, the Gulf Watch Alaska program, and AOOS. Continue reading

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AOOS Arctic Portal Expands & AOOS Opens New Way to Publish Data

Several hundred new data layers have been added to the map-based Arctic portal, as well as new capabilities to search for and publish data. Check it out!

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Alaska Platform of Opportunity Portal (APOP) Launches in Time for Field Season Planning

Trying to get a piece of equipment or a researcher out in the field this season? Visit a new map-based portal that displays information about upcoming research cruises in Alaska waters.

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Industry Arctic Data publicly available through AOOS Ocean Workspace

This gallery contains 8 photos.

data-sharing agreement between NOAA and three oil companies (Shell, ConocoPhillips, and StatOil) with leases in the Chukchi Sea is yielding a wealth of raw environmental studies data collected by ConocoPhillips, Shell and Statoil in the Chukchi Sea between 2008 and 2011.  Click here to read more

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