Model: ADCIRC for Port of Anchorage Expansion & Deepening

Modeler:  Ray Chapman, US Army Corps of Engineers

Funding Entity:  US Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District, and The Port of Anchorage

  • Input: Bathymetry, tidal constituents and river flow for model operations.  Water surface gauge and ADCP currents measurements for calibration and verification.
  • Scope:  Northern Gulf of Alaska, Cook Inlet, Knik and Turnagain Arms
  • Resolution: Two-dimensional depth averaged, hours to months
  • Timeline: Started in 2005, completed in 2010

Strengths: Non-structured large regional grid. Parallel processing computation.

Weaknesses: Two-dimensional barotropic

Additional Data Needed: Water surface gauge and ADCP currents measurements for additional calibration and verification at other locations within Cook Inlet.

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